First of all, this website is full of different resources from teachers to parents to students. There are programs for students to practice vocabulary, reading and writing skills. The website is mainly focused around literacy content areas, however it has something for everyone! Most importantly, it has lesson plans already planned out with resources included such as worksheets, preparation, instructional plans, etc. The lesson plans also include the standards that are addressed in each lesson, so you can find out if you need to fulfill that standard or not. There are lesson plans ranging from all subject areas that specifically include literacy components. Also the website includes resources and activities for grade levels Kindergarten to 12th grade, so teachers of all levels can use this resource to their benefit.
My favorite part of the resource is that their is specific lesson plans that tie in literacy to math. Math classes tend to have the hardest time connecting math skills to literacy skills, however this lesson plan shows just how easy it really can be. It goes over how to connect literacy to math where students can see that math is all around them because just like reading and writing math uses some of the same comprehension skills. It also shows teachers fun ways to incorporate literacy skills in their lessons without strictly stating that it is a literacy skill.
Lastly, a cool factor of this resource is that there are seminars for teachers to watch that teach them how to use technology in their lessons, have evidence based discussion and/or differentiate instruction. No matter their content area, all teachers can benefit from learning general information that they can use in their classroom. Overall, I think this resource is full of helpful skills and information to all teachers and is worth checking out!!
Word Count: 302
Hey Katie-
ReplyDeleteI really appreciate how your resource includes information for both students and parents. I think it is important to create this sense of community between you (the teacher), students, and their parents or caregivers. I also like how it has concrete materials for teachers to utilize so they do not have to make up worksheets on their own.
Word Count: 60